Strategic ‘Tune-Ups’ & Your New Year’s Resolutions.

Even though I’m a big advocate for setting ‘resolutions’ (a.k.a. goals and intentions) any time of year, I’m one of those people who loves invoking the energy of meaningful collective dates to set my own personal intentions into motion. So yep, at the start of a New Year I enjoy clearing my space, energetically and […]

Back from Italy, Rome!

I’m back from beautifully magnificent Rome, Italy where I literally stepped into a new space in consciousness – a space that is positively affecting and expanding most every aspect of my business and life. I left for this trip with the intention of allowing the beauty and energy of Rome to act as a cauldron […]

Turn Your Natural Gifts into Gold

HOW TO TURN YOUR NATURAL GIFTS INTO GOLD By Tal Shai I have heard so many varying definitions of success over the years, and yet I have found that for most of us soul-centered entrepreneurs, success includes our journey and process as well as our goals. Soul-centered ‘biz bees’ like ourselves tend to lean towards […]

Back from my trip to Italy (with video clip)!

I am back from my trip to Northern Italy and still savoring the beauty of this “oh so beautiful” part of the planet!”. Below are a few clips from my trip (featuring my adorable nieces). I overlaid the entire clip with music, so unless you lip read, I was just chatting away about the gorgeous views! […]

Music & Self Care for the Entrepreneurial Soul

This month I had the pleasure of listening to a world class guitar player play exquisite music in the Trappist Monastery of Latrun, located amidst the beautiful hills near Jerusalem. What a delicious feast for my senses it was! There I was, sipping a delicious glass of local wine while savoring the angelic notes emanating […]

The Art of Stretching Time

The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While chronos refers to the time of physics or linear-sequential time (such as that of the clock “alarming” you out of bed in the morning), kairos refers to a moment or period of undetermined time in which something meaningful happens (of course only you […]

What is Happiness?

Today I have decided to share a letter that was recently emailed me. I feel that the questions raised pertain to many of us and I would therefore like to address them on this forum in the hopes that they may benefit others as well. *I have changed the names of all concerned to keep […]


I invite you to entertain the possibility that your biggest dreams seek to express through you as much as you seek to align with them! Everything is energy and everything resonates at a certain frequency. When we begin resonating at the same frequency as our big dream, we will begin magnetizing that very dream into […]