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Strategic ‘Tune-Ups’ & Your New Year’s Resolutions.

Even though I’m a big advocate for setting ‘resolutions’ (a.k.a. goals and intentions) any time of year, I’m one of those people who loves invoking the energy of meaningful collective dates to set my own personal intentions into motion. So yep, at the start of a New Year I enjoy clearing my space, energetically and physically, as well as clarifying my dreams and goals for the upcoming year.

And yet, as we near the end of January (how time does fly!), there are days when the inspiration and alignment I felt while setting my goals are simply not as vibrant & alive for me as they were only a few weeks ago. Ugh!

For me the title of Jack Kornfield’s book ‘After the Ecstasy, the Laundry’, so eloquently conveys my current experience – that is, the laundry part. In other words, when I’m in the midst of handling the more mundane details of my biz (mostly admin and techy stuff) I will at times lose track of the bigger picture.

Luckily, at this stage of my business and life, I have learned to anticipate this phase and am well prepared to greet it with strategies and mindset tune-ups that help me refuel and reconnect with ease and grace. In other words, I already know what it takes to reconnect with the inspiration and excitement I have for the work that I do!

I thought I would share a few of these “tune-up” strategies with you….

  1. Surround yourself with mentors and colleagues who are as, or more, successful and inspired than yourself. And yep, I already have my regular personal coaching session scheduled for this week. Talk about anticipating the support I will need…just about now (and if you would like an extra dose of support and inspiration, make sure you hop on boardour growing facebook community)!
  2. Take a break. I mean scheduling a fun day off with your Self, family or friends! Although this may sound counter intuitive, there is nothing like taking a break to help you enthusiastically re-connect with your business (and life!).
  3. Place your ‘vision board’ and/or affirmation board in places you regularly frequent. I have a laminated copy of my affirmation board in my shower. That way I absolutely know I will read and say my positive affirmations everyday! If you have not yet created positive affirmations for this year, I highly recommend you do so right away (Join me on facebook to download a FREE EBOOK on the potent magic of creating your own positive affirmations)
  4. Focus on how you’ll feel when you’ve accomplished your goal. In other words, focus on where you want to be and not where you are right now. Allow yourself to have fun with this one. After all, why would you want to lose at your own fantasies (and fantasies do eventually become experiences and things)?
  5. Move your body. Your body is the vehicle through which all your ideas and inspirations flow. You may be downloading the most beautiful ‘melodies’, but if your instrument – your energy – is off key, anything that flows through you will sound off!

Here’s to reconnecting with our ecstasy even while doing the laundry!

From my heart to yours,
