Share the goodness!

Turn Your Natural Gifts into Gold



By Tal Shai

I have heard so many varying definitions of success over the years, and yet I have found that for most of us soul-centered entrepreneurs, success includes our journey and process as well as our goals. Soul-centered ‘biz bees’ like ourselves tend to lean towards a more holistic view of prosperity – one that includes not only money but an overall experience of well-being, a sense of purpose and a lifestyle that aligns with our core values. I like defining success as a dance of sorts – a dance of continually aligning with what makes our heart sing and then leveraging this authentic joy to inspire others in creating THEIR success in business and life. I can’t think of a more delightful, genuine and soul-affirming exchange.

But the truth is that only a few years ago, I never thought it was possible to turn such joyful exchanges into a thriving business. In fact, I never even considered what came naturally and joyfully to me as an asset, let alone an asset that would serve as a core offering to my clients.

An epiphany that changed all this, happened a few years ago when many of my dear friends and colleagues gathered to throw me a “going away” party during which time they each shared anecdotes and stories from the good times and experiences we had shared together. One friend shared how each time we set intentions to manifest a romantic relationship for her, it manifested like clockwork. Another friend reminded me how I helped her visualize her thriving counseling practice when it still seemed like a faraway dream. She reminded me of the thriving practice that had miraculously “happened” barely 3 months later.

All of a sudden, a theme began to emerge. I was acknowledged for believing in the “impossible” and for nurturing each of their big dreams to the point of manifestation. They called me a space-holder for the fruition of dreams. Although I had heard these words from friends, clients and acquaintances for most of my life, this was honestly the first time I had ever owned and recognized the value in what came so naturally to me. It literally felt like a ‘light bulb’ went off in every cell of my being! It felt like a baptism of sorts…an official recognition that this “process”, “energetic” or “way of being” was real. And “real” things most always have value!

That day, my friends gifted me not only with their love, blessings and heartfelt acknowledgment but with the seeds that would grow into a thriving soul-inspired business. That day I recognized and owned my natural gift as a “space-holder(TM)” and it was since then that my life and business took on a new and prosperous turn.

Honestly, creating a thriving soul-inspired busy-ness(TM) is not rocket science, In fact, it is so much simpler than most of us think. It mostly has to do with connecting to our own joy and natural gifts and then packaging and marketing these in ways that can genuinely serve and uplift others. However, we can only package and market what we name and own. (And, by the way, if the words ‘marketing’ or ‘packaging’ make you cringe, I will be offering much reframing and support in these departments!)

So, in my effort to support YOU in aligning with YOUR value and gifts… so that you too can turn your natural gifts into gold, I will share some of the observations I have made along my journey:

Your greatest gifts may once have been a source of discomfort, embarrassment or shame: What I now consider one of my greatest gifts and assets, which is my absolute knowing that the “impossible” is possible, was at times a source of discomfort and even shame. During the days when I worked in more corporate environments, I quickly learned to curb my natural enthusiasm for projects and goals when my Pollyanna outlook on life was often interpreted as unrealistic or impractical (Which it was! After all, where’s the innovation in trying to mimick what already exists?). Looking back at myself now, my heart goes out to the young woman who bought into the value system of an environment that simply did not have the eyes to recognize, let alone leverage, her gifts. At the same time, I also bless these very environments that propelled me to cultivate new ways of holding a space for my-Self and my dreams!

There is much gold to be extracted from your life’s journey: Growing up in South Africa, I loved visiting the gold mines. I was fascinated by how beautiful nuggets of gold could be extracted from deep within the ground. I also remember the mixed feelings of exhilaration and fear when going down the mine shafts. I would at times wonder if the journey deep into the ground was worth the gold. Well, years later, I have come to recognize that our life leads us on a journey into our own depth, propelling us to extract the ‘gold’ that lies within us and awaken to our authentic gifts and brilliance. (Of course, we have to focus on the gold if we want to find it)! Your life’s journey (your story)… your challenges, learnings, wins and experiences… is an asset to your soul-inspired business. Share it, celebrate it and allow others to be inspired by it!

You ARE your business!

I have personally been coached on this principle many times over and I have to say that it has taken continued repetition of hearing, internalizing and fully integrating this principle for it to finally register in the depths of my being. I now know without a shadow of a doubt that my clients coach with me because of ME….and by the same token, YOUR clients will work with YOU because of YOU!!!! There are many alternatives to the same services that I offer. This is simply a fact. That said I myself have chosen mentors and teachers who have charged top dollar when I absolutely knew I could get the same information for a fraction of the price. That said, what I also know is that learning is not about information alone. I choose my mentors for the space that they hold (you see, now that I have named it for myself, I can absolutely recognize the quality of the space being held by others!). I have literally quantum leaped my mindset and business by immersing myself in the presence of ‘space-holders’ whose very essence pulled me to a higher level of thinking and being.

YOU are YOUR greatest asset! I encourage you to invest in yourself, nurture yourself and celebrate YOU!

From my heart,
