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Back from Italy, Rome!

trevifountainI’m back from beautifully magnificent Rome, Italy where I literally stepped into a new space in consciousness – a space that is positively affecting and expanding most every aspect of my business and life. I left for this trip with the intention of allowing the beauty and energy of Rome to act as a cauldron or container for a deeper level of depth and authenticity to emerge through me.

I knew in my heart that this trip would act as the doorway into a larger body of work and energy that has been downloading through me for quite some time now. This is a level of work, abundance and frequency that requires a new vehicle and mode of being that no longer resembles my old ways of being and doing in this world.

This is precisely the definition of a quantum leap.

Something so new, exhilirating and different is asking to be born through me that I have been called to co-create a container large and sturdy enough (both inner and outer) to usher in this deliciously new frequency.

And I’m planning on taking you with me for the ride. Literally!

(You will get first dibs on my facebook page…so make sure you sign up here so I can keep you posted. And while you’re there make sure to say hello:)

Because this is precisely how this ALL works!

As I step into more expansive spaces in MY own business and life, my clients usually come with me for the ride.

So, if you too are raring to step into new and exciting spaces in your own life, I will be sharing some special opportunities  for YOU on my newly inspired (fresh, fresh, fresh – launched earlier today!!!!) facebook page.

As always, sending you blessings of much love and prosperity,