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Music & Self Care for the Entrepreneurial Soul

LATRUNThis month I had the pleasure of listening to a world class guitar player play exquisite music in the Trappist Monastery of Latrun, located amidst the beautiful hills near Jerusalem.

What a delicious feast for my senses it was!

There I was, sipping a delicious glass of local wine while savoring the angelic notes emanating from a few violins and a guitar. Oh, how I do love the sound of this instrument – especially when it is so skillfully played by a pro.

I bought my first guitar at the age of seventeen with the money I made working as a camp counselor with teen kids. I remember spending hours upon hours teaching myself the chords to Billy Joel’s Honesty (Totally dating myself here!). To this day I love strumming away at chords to my favorite tunes…but…..listening to a skilled player play…..well….what can I say ….this was a true gift for my soul!

I was reminded of how much I love the feel of ancient sites, and the smells, sounds and energy of sacred places of worship.

I recognized yet again how important it is to consistently feed my soul with expansive experiences. I was infused with such uplifting energy, that this boost of vitality lasted me the entire week!

The next day I got twice as much of my to do list done, which clearly reinforced how important self care is for us entrepreneurial souls. I was so infused with a sense of the sacred that I even began contemplating the idea of bringing out some of my high level clients from all parts of the globe for a savvy and spiritual retreat right here. I thought, why not immerse ourselves in this sacred energy, which is so palpable, as a way of realigning with our soul’s purpose…. and from that place design a savvy business blueprint to help open our prosperity channels.

What do you think? Interested?

May this month bless you with a sacred sense of all that is possible for your business and life.

Love & Prosperity,
