Are you going for your dreams?

Are you going for your dreams? Here is a gentle reminder to ALWAYS keep that fire buring in your belly…..and never give up on YOUR dreams!!!!
Like so many people all over the planet, no matter how many times I have watched this video, I can never get enough! TRANSFORMATION IS MAGICAL…and I believe in magic!

Dream interpretation for your entrepreneurial soul.

A few weeks ago, while meeting a dear friend for coffee, she opened her heart and shared how stuck she felt in her life lately (…& to stay in integrity, she did grant me full permission to share this with you). She conveyed how nothing seemed to be shifting for her in the romantic arena […]

Planning for Synchronicity?

What is the best way to balance creating a specific business plan and keeping open to respond to the synchronicity that shows up in life? From Tal Shai at the Soul Guidance Hub.

Strategic ‘Tune-Ups’ & Your New Year’s Resolutions.

Even though I’m a big advocate for setting ‘resolutions’ (a.k.a. goals and intentions) any time of year, I’m one of those people who loves invoking the energy of meaningful collective dates to set my own personal intentions into motion. So yep, at the start of a New Year I enjoy clearing my space, energetically and […]

Back from Italy, Rome!

I’m back from beautifully magnificent Rome, Italy where I literally stepped into a new space in consciousness – a space that is positively affecting and expanding most every aspect of my business and life. I left for this trip with the intention of allowing the beauty and energy of Rome to act as a cauldron […]

Are You in the Busy-ness (TM) of Soul?

Are you yearning to have a soul-centered business? One that allows you to spend most of your days (and life!) refining, expressing and activating your innate gifts and packaging these in ways that gracefully serve others in tapping their own magnificent soul essence? It was a dream of mine (for years!) to spend most of […]

Intuition for the Entrepreneurial Woman

Intuition for the Entrepreneurial Woman Who Wants To Live Her Soul’s Purpose & Prosper! Today, more than ever before in the history of our planet, we are inundated with an overwhelming influx of information. With internet having made its way into the homes of people of every culture and level of consciousness, no longer is […]