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Intuition for the Entrepreneurial Woman

2014-05-24 20.18.41Intuition for the Entrepreneurial Woman Who Wants To Live Her Soul’s Purpose & Prosper!

Today, more than ever before in the history of our planet, we are inundated with an overwhelming influx of information. With internet having made its way into the homes of people of every culture and level of consciousness, no longer is information in the hands of an elite few, and anyone, even a seven year old living in a third world country (and yes -I just saw a campaign running in India that is providing laptops for families from a low socio-economic class), can google most anything.

Getting our hands on information is no longer an issue – and neither is disseminating information. What is an issue is learning how to sift through this quagmire of information and cultivate internal filters to help discern which information is most relevant and meaningful to our business and life.

You see, each bit of information carries its own unique vibration. Information, like anything else we digest, can be healthy and wholesome, or toxic and poisonous.

So how do we filter though all this information?

How do we know which information will grow our business and life or simply add more clutter to our already clogged up minds (and yes my fellow big deamers, decluttering our mind is crucial if we want to allow more abundance and prosperity to flow to us!)?

This is where our intuition comes in.

Our intuition is our most accurate inner radar system. It continually scans our inner and outer environments, sending back messages that inform us of that which simultaneously takes place on ALL levels of consciousness. It is that part of us that can instantly make sense of the billions of informational bits that continually flow within and around us. It filters this information and relays back to us the core essence of the energetic dynamics at play in any given situation.

Today, what we yearn for and need most, is not more information, but an “intuitive muscle” that has the capacity to help us hone in on information that is most relevant and meaningful to our unique needs and path, both in business and life.

When we learn to tap our inner guidance there is no limit to the clarity and guidance available to us! Cultivating a strong relationship with our intuition saves us from second guessing ourselves and having to look outside for the answers we seek. We are able to make decisions based on an accurate inner guidance system that always has our highest good in mind, a skill that in today’s day and age is no longer a luxury but a crucial need for any woman who truly wants to live her soul’s purpose… and prosper.

From my heart,
