What is blocking my financial prosperity?

This week’s question from The Soul Movement Hub™ was sent in by Stephanie Brent, singer, songwriter, sound therapist and workshop facilitator from Spain. Her website is www.venusrulesok.com Dear Stephanie, Thank you for your timely question. It is quite reflective of many more questions that were sent in via The Soul Movement Hub™ this month, so as […]

Why am I experiencing the opposite of what I want?

[hr style=”line” size=”1px”] This Week’s Question From The Soul Movement Hub [hr style=”line” size=”1px”] From  a woman in the UK who asked to remain anonymous. I will refer to her as Wendy. [hr style=”line” size=”1px”] Tal’s Guidance. [hr style=”line” size=”1px”] Dear Wendy, It is a well known fact that most of what runs our life is […]

[Soul Movement Hub] What is blocking me from making a living by sharing my gifts?

What is blocking me from making a living by sharing my gifts?

Believe me, we could strategize a super leveraged business plan for you in a few hours, but if you have a conflicting energetic entanglement running below the radar of your awareness, it WILL pull against any will power or action you have going on.

It will create an underlying tension, that if strong enough, will ultimately sabotage your forward movement or momentum.

To make sure we’re on the same page, when I speak of an energetic entanglement, I am not alluding to your belief system alone, but rather to an energetic entanglement in your ‘soul field™’.

What is going on when I don’t see results?

[hr style=”line” size=”1px”] This Week’s Question From The Soul Movement Hub [hr style=”line” size=”1px”] From Bridget in the USA. [hr style=”line” size=”1px”] Tal’s Guidance. [hr style=”line” size=”1px”] Dear Bridget, I know it is so tempting to approach the law of attraction as a prescription of sorts. The truth is that the law of attraction refers to […]


THIS WEEK’S QUESTION This week’s question via the Soul Movement Hub, comes from Law of Attraction Coach, Philip Rochford from Trinidad. His website is nurturinglifebooks.com “Having had a full and successful life at age 79, how do I rekindle the energy, momentum and passion of previous periods, as I see the vexatious nature of it […]


This week’s question via the Soul Movement Hub comes from a transformational coach in South Africa who prefers to remain anonymous. I will address her as Denise.

Question: Hi Tal, I used to be in the corporate world before I moved into coaching (after my divorce). I’ve been through health issues, I’ve been through near bankruptcy…and on the flip side I’ve written books, painted a deck of oracle cards and come up with some pretty amazing stuff. Let’s just say I’ve walked a path. And yet, I still can’t seem to ‘make a living’ – I’ve really worked on myself to the point that I feel that I am enough now and I’ve done what I can do. Is there anything I’m doing that is blocking me from moving forward? Much love, Denise

Intuitive Audio Reading with Tal

From https://www.SoulGuidanceHub.com . How do I reawaken the energy, passion and momentum of the past? Intuitive Audio Reading with Tal Shai, using the Intuition Heart Cards.

Strategic ‘Tune-Ups’ & Your New Year’s Resolutions.

Even though I’m a big advocate for setting ‘resolutions’ (a.k.a. goals and intentions) any time of year, I’m one of those people who loves invoking the energy of meaningful collective dates to set my own personal intentions into motion. So yep, at the start of a New Year I enjoy clearing my space, energetically and […]

Learning to Live – BOOK

Wouldn’t it be great if we were born with instruction manuals? Each one would be different based on what we needed to learn, but the basics would be the same: how to create healthy relationships, how to deal with sorrow and pain, how to reach our goals, and how to know what we want to […]