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Why am I experiencing the opposite of what I want?


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This Week’s Question From The Soul Movement Hub

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From  a woman in the UK who asked to remain anonymous. I will refer to her as Wendy.

Dear Tal, I am successful in manifesting things I set my mind to achieve but not in matters relating to finance and success. In fact I note when I desire to improve myself I meet resistance and encounter the opposite to my intentions and dreams. Is there an explanation for this?

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Tal’s Guidance.

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Dear Wendy,

It is a well known fact that most of what runs our life is what we don’t know is running us.

All schools that facilitate transformation of consciousness (psychotherapy, coaching, even spiritual practices etc.) are founded on this very premise.

Depending on the particular school of thought, this understanding is approached from various angles.

For example, cognitive therapy will approach this by working with our limiting beliefs and shifting these, coaching will tackle this by focusing on a specific goal and implementing a plan of action to counteract the resistance that comes up. A Jungian or more spiritual approach often includes working with our dreams and associative world as well as honoring, accepting and nurturing the deeper purpose of all our experiences.

Although this is a somewhat simplified version of a few schools of thought, all of them agree that part of healing , growth and movement includes awakening to or becoming conscious of those underlying patterns in our psyche or soul field(TM) that we were not aware are running us.

So Wendy, if you really desire something and it is not showing up in your life, it simply means that there are still subconscious entanglements that have not yet been resolved.

If you adopt a compassionate and loving approach to this, you can ditch the new age guilt, self judgment and sense of failure that often follows this realization and understand that this is a part of your unique journey and your next opportunity for growth and mastery.

We all have areas we’re working on alongside those areas in our life that are running smoothly.

It is human nature to forget about what fits well. When we are healthy, have more than enough money, our relationships are running smoothly…..these cease to become our main focus.

It is when we don’t have enough oxygen that we focus on oxygen all the time.

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you may already know that a few years ago I was in dire straits when it came to my financial well being. In fact, it literally took a financial crisis to actually wake me up to the fact that I had a lot of learning, healing and growth to do in this arena.

That said, were there other areas in my life that were working out great? Of course there were!

Although I will openly admit that I was so entrenched in my financial pain that I often dismissed my perfect health, a family who loved me, emotionally supportive friends, a roof over my head, a great education up my sleeve, years of travel and international experience etc. You get the picture!

It was during my crisis that I made a very clear decision that I would spend however long it took to learn how I could become financially free and prosperous by sharing my gifts, doing what I love and creating a portable business that would support my love for travel.

Was it easy?

Not necessarily.

Like any heroic journey, it was about slaying those inner dragons and entanglements that were keeping me from my gold. 

It was a deep inner journey that has helped me transform the very core of my being.

This transformational journey is now reflected in my newfound experience of prosperity and financial well being.

You too have areas that are working well. Notice them and express gratitude.

From that place inside your being, focus on which steps you need to take to move forward toward your goal.

If you are stumbling, engage the support of a mentor, coach or support group. That is what I did.

Move forward boldly for your gold is activated by the journey itself.

I believe in you!

From my heart,