Behind the scenes. Travel. Work. Play.

If you desire to create a lifestyle that makes your heart sing. If you need support navigating the path of uncertainty as you forge your way towards your purpose, dreams and desires. I have opened up a few slots in my calendar to support you with this. Yep! I am providing a limited number of complimentary “navigate uncertainty” discovery […]

The present is a gift.

A reminder that the present is your present (gift). Immersing myself in nature is one the fastest ways for me to GET PRESENT and into the flow of what is. The past is over, the future has not yet arrived, and our point of authentic power lies in this moment. I invite you to reflect […]

Work, play and travel can be your reality!

[Whadd’ya think of my funky hat? It’s not mine….borrowed it from my friend today…but it kinda grew on me during our hike. Just sayin’ :] Work, play and travel can be your reality! Nature makes my soul soar and I feel so blessed to have created a lifestyle that incorporates travel and nature with serving incredible […]