Share the goodness!

The joys of a freedom based career.

This gets to be my office view for a few months. Sedona is magical. I feel like the red rocks are gently rocking me in their nurturing arms.

2014-11-08 10.02.17

Each geographic location on this planet holds a specific vibration.

2014-11-29 16.57.48-1

I love working in different locations on this planet because each place offers a different flavor of experience and ignites a unique frequency of creative inspiration.

Creating this way of life (for right now) is a result of my deeply listening to the wisdom of my body.

That is how my soul speaks to me.

My body is so enjoying the momentum and flow of moving, meeting new experiences and people while soaking up the unique gifts each location has to offer.

Is this always easy? Of course not. Some parts of my consciousness  are less keen when it comes to taking risks and venturing forth into the unknown every few weeks or months. I make it a practice to deeply listen to the needs of all my inner parts. It’s quite an eclectic gathering of perspectives inside of moi.

At the end of the day though, my commitment is to the calling of my soul. Despite occasional fears, doubts or setbacks,  my soul (as it speaks to me through the wisdom of my body) has never let me down!

Here’s to practicing the art of following the wisdom of YOUR soul.

From my heart,


P.S. I would love to hear how your soul speaks to you and what is has been whispering for the longest time.