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Work, play and travel can be your reality!

[Whadd’ya think of my funky hat? It’s not mine….borrowed it from my friend today…but it kinda grew on me during our hike. Just sayin’ :]
Work, play and travel can be your reality!

Nature makes my soul soar and I feel so blessed to have created a lifestyle that incorporates travel and nature with serving incredible clients all over the planet (who are also committed to following their bliss in business and life).

I work with clients from the UK, South Africa, Israel, USA, Australia and even Norway.

How do I do this?

Well, I have set up solid online structures to support my nomadic spirit and developed a methodology  – The Soul Movement Method(R)  –  to facilitate deep and sustainable transformation, online!

Even though I have been coaching globally for close to a decade, I still have to pinch myself ….and then celebrate… that this has become my reality.

I get to work with incredible people all over the planet while living a lifestyle that feeds my soul.

If this has become possible for me, it is possible for you too.

So ….my invitation to you is to check in with YOU.

What do you love?

How do you desire to spend your days?

The life I live today was once my vision. 

What is it you plan to do with your one, wild and precious life (Mary Oliver)?

This is your life. Live it consciously, purposefully and authentically.

I believe in your soul’s wisdom to guide you towards YOUR bliss. Your job is to heed the call.

Here’s to your soul movement.

From my heart to yours,
