Share the goodness!

The present is a gift.

A reminder that the present is your present (gift).

Immersing myself in nature is one the fastest ways for me to GET PRESENT and into the flow of what is.

The past is over, the future has not yet arrived, and our point of authentic power lies in this moment.

I invite you to reflect on what helps you remain present?

Is it yoga, meditation, a stroll in the park or listening to your favorite music?

There is no right way. Their is only what works for you.

What stills your mind chatter? What presences you to all that is right in front of you?

Staying present has been one of the keys to my creativity, momentum and success.

This does not come naturally to me.

It is a conscious practice I choose to embrace.

Given it’s own way, my mind works overtime, regurgitating old and new stories that don’t necessarily contribute to my experience of joy, fulfillment and creativity. In fact it can throw me into overwhelm, confusion and overload. Ugh!!!!!

Immersing myself in nature is my balm. My reconnection with SELF. My key to authentic power.

From this place, my creative juices, sense of clarity, joy can once again flow freely.

Life feels so much better this way.

Thank you for being a part of this moment with me.

And…do try this at home.

From my heart to yours,
