Share the goodness!

Your Money Wound


Hello from beautiful Boulder Colorado where I have been blessed to stay in a lovely studio apartment up in the hills (if you want to view more personal photos of my travels, you are welcome to join me on instagram, which, at this time, serves more as my personal travel journal than an actual social media platform:) 
This is my first visit to Boulder and, at this stage in my travels and life, I must say that it still excites me to experience a city for the first time:)
I have already scouted some of my favorite coffee shops, had a fabulous in-person ” coffee, soul and strategy session” with a lovely, super talented client, and even bumped into peeps I know… which is always a sign I am settling in.
Amidst all this beauty and abundance, I have been experiencing waves of sadness, deep vulnerability and accompanying tears. As I speak to colleagues, clients and friends , it seems I am not alone in this. Are you feeling the intensity of these times?

This is my view from the window as I write to you:)

Between the last three eclipses and the energetic re-alignment taking place on this planet (aka. volcanic eruptions, fires, political chaos, leaders exposed etc.), there has never been a more crucial time to immerse ourselves in the DEEP INNER-WORK NEEDED to align with new, emergent possibilities for our life, our business and the world at large.
If you are sensing the call and inner invitation to dive-deep into the territory of YOUR own psyche and soul, in service to forging an aligned, authentic, and truly satisfying path for your business and life, I invite you to consider joining me, and a beautiful heart-centered group that is forming, for The Soul Movement LIVE Immersion taking place in Boulder, Colorado on August 31st, 2018.  
Also, in the event you might be considering flying in for the immersion in Boulder from another city, there is a *limited availability* option to book a private in-person intensive or session with moi and turn this into a weekend spa-for-your-soul. A sweet deal indeed.
EARLY BIRD pricing ends August 27th, 2018, so make sure you jump in right away if this feels aligned for you:)

I am also including an audio interview of an article that was written in the Holistic Heartbeat magazine about “Heal Your Money Wounds” with The Soul Movement Method®”. 

In our culture money is so tied into our survival and therefore to our deepest core wounding. 

As transformational facilitators, healers and creatives, the journey with money is also tied into a long lineage of limited inherited beliefs and emotional entanglements around power, authentic spirituality, the flow of giving and receiving… as well as the joys and dangers of putting our life’s work – our heart and soul – on the line (literally ON-line) for all to see, receive, or pick at to their choosing. 

Ahhhh! The joys of navigating MONEY- of knowing that we are truly cared for, that a larger omnipotent presence has our back and that we can be rewarded for sharing our deepest SELF and gifts with the world. >>Clickity Click<< here to listen to the interview. 

As I sign off, flashing through my minds eye are the words of Charles Dickens from A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”.  This feels so apt and resonant right now.
I send us all oodles of love and support as we learn to navigate the beauty, messiness, and possibility of these emergent times
With love and heart, 
P.S. The Soul Movement Method is designed to help you navigate new and ever-changing tides in your business, relationship and life! Will you be joining us?