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3 Simple Strategies to Move Out of Overwhelm and Realign with Your Entrepreneurial Flow

photo-2There is nothing like a bout of overwhelm to stop us soul-centered entrepreneurs in our tracks, block the flow of our creative juices and wonder what we were thinking when we embarked on our solo adventures towards what was supposedly going to bring us a greater sense of creative and joyful flow in both our business and life.

Too much of anything can throw us into a loop, which is most always a sure invitation for overwhelm to make its grand entrance, flooding our inner and outer homes with too much information, to do lists, ideas, thoughts, paperwork….and ….you get the picture.

So for starters, stop right here and take a deep breath. Allow yourself to breathe into your belly and imagine that breath flushing your system with a newfound calm and serenity. Breathe in calm, and breathe out overwhelm….once again….breathe in calm, and breathe out overwhelm. Repeat this simple exercise a few times a day or before you embark on any one of the following strategies.

Now you are ready to clean house and once again experience the joys of being a creative, prolific and joyful entrepreneur.

Here are 3 simple steps you can implement right away to get back your entrepreneurial glow:

1. Schedule FREE-dom time with Your Self: I invite you to schedule a one hour break with your Self at least once a week (yes – I mean your wise, centered and authentic Self that guided you towards this path in the first place). If you can, schedule this time in an environment that makes your heart sing. I, for example love hanging out at quaint coffee shops on the beach front, as the ocean always has a calming effect on my system. If your schedule is already packed, this appointment with your Self is crucial and will most definitely have a high ROI (return on investment). I have most always experienced a boost of creativity and increased effectiveness after such a date with my Self. Take this time to celebrate yourself and recognize that without YOU – your creativity and being – there is no business.

2. Declutter Your Mind: There is nothing like jotting down all your thoughts, ideas, to do lists and errands (etc.) ON PAPER to empty your mind of excess clutter. Organizing my endless ideas and lists into categories that I can reference later, never ceases to instill me with a sense of calm. For that reason I like having index cards handy at all times (I have them in my bag, in my car…everywhere!). Whenever an idea pops into my mind, I will jot it down and name a relevant category on the top right hand corner of the card. Once a month I organize these categories, knowing that they are now easily accessible for me to reference when I am ready to do so.

3. Systemize: Get used to thinking systems. I used to waste hours searching for passwords and access codes to the many and varied service providers I access. I have now created a system wherein I immediately enter the relevant information onto an index card I keep in my wallet. Then once a month I enter my new codes onto my computer. Presto …I created a system that works for me. Be as creative as you can creating systems that work for YOU. These are a sure recipe to keep you out of overwhelm!

Wishing you days filled with clarity and flow.

From my heart to yours,
