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What is blocking my financial prosperity?

This week’s question from The Soul Movement Hub™ was sent in by Stephanie Brent, singer, songwriter, sound therapist and workshop facilitator from Spain. Her website is

I have skills and talents in many areas, including ritual and ceremony, and yet I still find it hard to become financially self-sufficient. How can I get rid of whatever is blocking me? I have done so much work on this and have definitely moved forward, and feel better about myself and what I deserve – I just haven’t managed to shift it completely.


Dear Stephanie,

Thank you for your timely question.

It is quite reflective of many more questions that were sent in via The Soul Movement Hub™ this month, so as always, we all get to drink from this communal well.

On this note, please do add YOUR wisdom, epiphanies and love in the comment box below so that we can enrich each other in this way!

To begin , I would like to honor and celebrate YOU Stephanie for the work you have done thus far  – work that is no doubt core and foundational in supporting your next level of expansion and growth.

I took a peek at your website and was delighted to connect with YOU and the colorful palette of all that you offer.

There may be nothing major blocking you except the misconception that something is.

What may be helpful though, is adding a few crucial pieces to help you monetize your gifts.

There is no better time on this planet for women to integrate all of their unique gifts and monetize them in a way that is integrous and aligned with their personality, heart and soul. 

smm_puzzle_quote_pageAnd yet, this movement into money is no doubt one that requires both energetic and strategic alignment. Miss one piece of the puzzle and your picture will not be whole.

Let’s take a look at the pieces you may need to have in place in order to complete YOUR picture and experience the financial flow you desire.


On an energetic level, there is always more alignment to be had as we expand our vessel to allow in larger amounts of money.

Since money is energy as well as a symbol of power in our global culture, our energetic alignment requires that we tap those places in our individual and ancestral soul field that are wounded or contracted around money, power, visibility, freedom and everything in between.

In our patriarchal past, power and visibility were often abused and this subconscious entanglement in our soul field™, both individually and ancestrally, can hinder our forward movement when it comes to allowing more of this symbol of power aka money, into our life.

After all, as healer types, our “healer conscience” will do anything to keep us from inflicting harm on others. On energetic level, these are entanglements with exploring and clearing. In my experience, no amount of strategy can make up or compensate for a shaky energetic foundation.

[Of course, check within to see if this resonates for you. YOUR intuition is always your highest authority.]


From a strategic standpoint, it is important to implement an effective business model and structures that have the capacity to allow in the financial rewards we seek, in a way that nurtures our lifestyle, personality and purpose.

For example, if you desire to have a location independent business with a plethora of flexibility and free time, you have to build your business on a solid model that supports this.

For many years, this was a major piece of the puzzle that I was missing.

It was not until I engaged the support of a coach who was living “my” dream that I began to experience palpable breakthroughs in my business, life and finances.

Whether you engage support through a book, home-study course or mentor, my point is that we simply “don’t know what we don’t know” and it often takes another keen eye to pinpoint our blind spots and support us in accessing those missing pieces that will bring our beautiful masterpiece, our or so-called LifeBIZ puzzle, to completion.

Stephanie, I invite you to take inventory of your business model. Are you packaging your services in a way that allows more money to flow to you? Do you have a strategy in place to bring in the specific amount of income you desire?  Could you do with a mentor or coach to assess the different pieces of your business puzzle and possibly move them around so that the overall picture of your business makes sense and supports you beautifully.

From an energetic standpoint I invite you to be intentional about clearing any energetic entanglements you may have (or are sourced in your lineage) around money, power and visibility. For this I would absolutely recommend engaging the support of a skilled facilitator who can both hold and facilitate a sacred space for your to clear whatever is holding you back.

I have participated in countless group programs and high-level masterminds wherein we all received the same information, took fairly similar action and yet still experienced huge gaps in the results we were experiencing. Why? Because no amount of strategy can compensate for a shaky energetic foundation.

Most importantly Stephanie, don’t give up until you experience the results you seek.

My own journey towards financial freedom has been one of the most exciting, growth-filled, challenging and super rewarding journeys I have ever taken. It has required that I ask for support when I felt stuck, dive deeper into my consciousness, step out of my comfort zone and grow in leaps and bounds as a divine being expressing and learning so much through this human experience.

Stay the course, fine tune along your path and you WILL arrive at your destination. That I know from experience.

Much love and continued expansion to YOU,


P.S. Did you enjoy this blogpost? Want more? Simply join The Soul Movement Hub™, a place for you to ask Tal your burning questions and join a fabulous community of like-hearted peeps who are also intentional about creating their thriving business and lifestyle… in this lifetime.