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[The Soul Movement Hub] How to be a vessel for transformation

This week’s question form The Soul Movement Hub was sent in by Sharon McGinley, Founder of Eddie’s House. I was inspired to share a video from ‘Eddie’s House’ website. It touched my heart.

 “My purpose in this lifetime is to help people move forward in their lives. I never feel satisfied that I am doing all that I am called to do. This then makes me feel unworthy to help people which then makes it harder to be at my best. Help!! “

Dear Sharon,

What a gift YOU are to this world and from the likes of your website it seems that you are so on purpose!

That said, it is important for us helping professionals to remember that we are a vessel for source and not the source itself.

My intuitive hit for you Sharon, is not that you are not on purpose but that there may be a part of you that has forgotten that you are a vessel for source and not the source itself.

Many of us in the helping professions need to watch out for this sneaky egoic trait.

Often, when we feel we are not doing enough or not helping the peeps we have set out to help as much as we think we should, it is a sign that we have taken on too much of their responsibilities on our own backs, taking on baggage and burdens that are not ours to carry.

That may be gratifying to our ego, that part that wants to save the world, but not to our soul, that higher and more neutral part of our consciousness that propels us to serve from a place of service rather than a sneaky, subconscious need for gratification (no judgment whatsoever here. we ALL have a version of this part and it is helpful to simply see and acknowledge it!).

Since you provide a safe, nurturing and empowering haven for people who need a place to land, recoup and re-build their strength and sense of inner home, I invite you to inwardly enquire where you may have taken on what is not yours to take on.

Where has a part of you temporarily forgotten that the people you support are just as wired to connect to source as you are – that they too are divine beings having a human experience and that their soul is guiding them to walk their unique journey through very specific life experiences.

We can only do what we are FULLY called to do… no more and no less. That is when we are truly aligned with our purpose.

Sharon, you are doing such necessary work in this world which, feels to me, is coming from a true sense of purpose for you! That is a blessing and YOU are a blessing.

I support you in truly staying present with what is needed from YOU in any specific moment. When you are called to say “no” (you will feel this in your body), let that be a clear “no” and when you are called to say “yes”, follow that impulse to the end.

All those other “shoulds” and “coulds” are mostly connected to our egoic wounding and not to our generous, expansive and truly wise soul.

I hold you, your vision and all the peeps who are served by your calling in my heart!

Much love,

